Poetry. Fiction. Short Stories.
Literary Arts

Part of the 15 minutes series, Kaylee Jade wrote this poem after given the prompt "FEAR”. It was written in a slam poem form.

During Kaylee Jade’s time in college, she was given the assignment to write an abecedarius in one of creative writing classes. An abecedarius is a special type of acrostic in which the first letter of every word, strophe or verse follows the order of the letters in the alphabet. She decided to use her experiences as a biracial child. It was so powerful and distinct, it was selected to be in the schools literary magazine - a great honor.
In college, Kaylee Jade was assigned to write a manifesto in her creative writing class. A manifesto is a published declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the issuer, be it an individual, group, political party or government. She decided to write about the 2016 election when Donald Trump was selected to be president. The result of his win divided the country and ultimately was responsible for the political social collapse of America, fueled by racism, fascism, and misogyny.
To read: AMERICA, The Manifesto
During Kaylee’s time in college, she was assigned to write a poem in the form of a sestina. A sestina is a fixed verse form consisting of six stanzas of six lines each, normally followed by a three-line envoi. The words that end each line of the first stanza are used as line endings in each of the following stanzas, rotated in a set pattern. Her chosen subject was about reaching a climax with a sexual partner.
To read: ALL MINE, The Sestina
Once again, Kaylee was assigned to write a villanelle in her college creative writing class. A villanelle also known as villanesque, is a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain. She decided to dive deep into her inner self, exploring the various facets of promiscuity and the quest for love amidst the disapproving scrutiny of society.
To read: MAYBE, The Villanelle