Social Justice. Anti-Racism. Black Lives Matter.
Fully Committed to Knockout Racism
In 2015, Kaylee Jade created a social movement called FCK RACISM with her dad. The campaign was incredibly valuable and therapeutic for her. It helped her get past a lot of negative experiences she faced in high school. It was after the years following the Trayvon Martin killing that she began to question the system and what that meant for someone of a BIPOC background; What it meant for African Americans. Racism is America’s greatest flaw. It’s essential for us to disrupt the system thats been placed and re-build society.
It is with great passion and confidence that she finds herself committed to being the change she wants to see in the world. So she came up with the name Fck.Racism, something bold, edgy, and apologetic to show how you feel, because we should right? The F-C-K stands for… Fully Committed to Knockout Racism. Quickly after building the brand, she started a challenge on social media asking people to join her movement with a simple #GiveRacismTheFinger, and it was a success. Kaylee Jade Warfield is publicly recognized as a strong advocate for anti racism and racial equality with the efforts of this brand.
In the height of the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, Kaylee Jade took to Instagram and decided to use her platform for good. She decided to host Live chats with people to engage in open and honest dialogue about what was happening in America at the time. Her first interview was Stephen Jackson Sr, former NBA player and great friend of the late George Floyd. During their interview, the Live reached over 10,000 participants in the chat room. It was devastating to hear from someone who had lost a family friend due to police brutality and racial injustice, yet extraordinarily raw to dive deep into the flaws of Americas justice system.
Though out the summer, Kaylee continued these tough conversations to find some sort of empathy and create unity amongst our society. Her guests ranged from local Atlanta business owners to professional athletes and musicians all over. Although the journey of dismantling the system is not over, it’s the small steps that lead us to seeing a big change in the end.
Today, FCK.RACISM still sells brand merchandise on a sister website. Each portion of what is sold is donated to a cause of your liking. The website for FCK is currently under construction and being rebranded to branch into something bigger. If you’d like to find out more, please email at
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not!”